Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Season 2

I took a break from blogging after Indonesia. Realizing that my exchange was coming to an end as well as my journeys, I figured I might as well stop letting people know I wasnt going to have any adventures anytime soon.
Surely enough being back in the little frog country called Holland was quite depressing. In total we had an astonishing amount of exactly 4 days of summer. Those 4 days were filled with sunshine laughter and music and of course yours truly was working those days. Whenever I wasn't working days were dark, somber and rainy. Did I mention it was rainy? Like walk-outside-for-5-minutes-and-your-boxers-are-wet-inside-your-pants-how-did-that-happen-rainy. All of the blackness (tan) I acquired in 6 months of Asia's sunny weather, lost in 4 weeks of the wet Netherlands.

That's why I'm calling this season 2. End of the season 1 everything falls into place: evil guy gets destroyed, hero gets the girl, everyone that survived are friends. Start of season 2: All the good that happened, well it disappeared seemingly overnight. A new terrorist threat (rain), hero lost the girl and all my friends are scattered all over the world. Were I a lesser man this would have been the cause for huge depression, but I am not. Im looking forward to overcoming these challenges. Ill wont get used to the rain but what if I didn't get bothered by it that much? I would be a lot more relaxed and happy I guess.
Same for the girl. Someone who is great for me but is 9249.88 kilometers (5747.61 miles(for my Canadian followers)) away from me. Distance is probably a bigger bitch than karma. Same for my friends, the canadians and a frenchy and those in other places. You guys are not exactly a block away.

Stuff happens, no need to worry too much about it (Im trying to convince myself as much as you guys). In the end things will work out one way or the other. Im not a pessimist, but happy isn't the word I would use to describe myself right now.

So for those loyal followers who enjoyed my blog last season: Thank you for reading and stay tuned. Stupid stuff is going to happen. I still have occasional mind boggling questions that will find their way on my blog*. Do comment to stay in touch or if you have another way to keep in touch with me (telepathy, bat signal, phone) please do. Unless I think you're extremely annoying or ugly I wont respond  (beluga).
\\/// live long and prosper

*Example: In Holland you have milk cows and brown meat cows. I wonder if the milk cows get picked on for being raped (dont touch my boobs, you perv) and that the brown cows get picked on for being groomed into a prime cut steak. Do the brown cows know they'll be eaten later? What if they go on a hunger strike? Would the milk cows make fun of them? So many questions...

Monday, June 13, 2011

My chip is still here

Bali is done for now. If you would see me now I would be slightly darker than before and it's a good thing. Most of the asians you see in sunny weather will have umbrella's to hide them from the sun but I guess me and my friends are different. Surfing and staying on the beach the whole day isnt worth it if you dont want a tan so better embrace the sun and get a bit of tan.

After Bali I went to Malang which is a small place in Java, Indonesia. I go there because my grandma lives there and when I was younger I went there quite often. The place always brings back so many memories, like when I was running around with my cousin and I fell I broke my front tooth. Every picture during that stay my tooth is broke whenever I smiled which was embarrassing at the time but funny when I think about it now.
Besides hanging out with my grandma there isnt much to do which was absolutely great for me. I slept so much and stayed at home the whole time. It was good for me to get some rest after I didnt get much sleep in Bali due to fortunate circumstances if you know what I mean.

Now I'm back in Jakarta with a lot of family around me. It's great and I wish I could spend more time here but I guess that will be some other time. My little cousins are always bugging me but hey they only get to do that once a year so it's fine with me. Don't think I can get mad at them. Yao should be here tomorrow so my adventures in Jakarta will continue soon. Ill try to keep you updated but lately I havent been able to blog a lot. By the way if people think I'm getting soft, fuck you. I still got a chip on my should saying Im better than you. How you like them apples?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

No troubles in paradise

Man, Bali is great. Short post cuz i'm in some sort of internet cafe.

I've been here for about 4 days and all we have done is party, eat, sleep, drink and surfed/swam in the sea. Seriously this is amazing. I'm burning up money faster than I would've liked but still I'm enjoying every little bit of it.

Dont know why but surfing had me suffering from pain in my nipples so bad! They were sore and no one could touch em. Like they had a sudden fear of contact which normally they dont have.

Were staying in this villa in Canggu which is a bit away from Kuta. Takes us about 30 min to get there but it is lovely. No one around us, were playing music all night. Have our own kitchen, maid and pool. And pets. Lots of pets

Well I'm off, here is a last message from my sponsor.

Save water, drink beer

Monday, May 23, 2011

Finals? Final post in Macau

We have arrived at the conference finals of the NBA and the playoffs have been amazing this year.

The Heat have a lot of haters and it's something I dont understand. In football it is not uncommon to play together with great players therefor I dont have the same aversion against them as some people do. It's great to see if superstars like Wade and James can make it work together. For example it seems that Chris Bosh still hasnt really found his rhythm yet and he has to if they want to beat the Bulls. I think they will win the series though. Wade and James will not have bad games at the same time again like in Game 1 and if they get it going not even Tom Thibodeau's defensive system will stop it. Heat in 6

Thunder vs Mavs is exciting too to me. If you read my previous post I was spot on on the Thunder vs Grizz series (I was dead wrong on Lakers - Mavs but who wasnt...). I like the Thunder, a young and upcoming team with talented players. That said, the Mavs are a savvy bunch with a lot of experience. I think the Mavs in 6 although I hope they dont. Let's hope KD gets some more of these!

Besides the NBA this post will be the last one in Macau. Tomorrow I'll say: See you later (No goodbyes) to Macau. You have been good to me and I'll miss it dearly.

After Macau I'm off to Indonesia, the country of my closest ancestors (parents) and the country where most of my family resides. I talked about it sometimes that the situation some of us are in, leaves us with no real country. In the Netherlands you're not white so you're not really dutch. I feel dutch though because I grew up there and I think in dutch. In Indonesia they say I'm not Indonesian. I grew up in the Netherlands and I look Chinese. Im not Chinese either since I dont speak it. But I feel at home when I come to Indonesia. And I dont feel like an outcast when I'm in China.
So what is it? Maybe I just got the best of both worlds: Asian and European/Western culture. Whatever it is it made me the way I am today and I'm happy with that. Isnt that what it is all about?

Friday, May 20, 2011

Things I listen to

Since the semester is over its time to be active on my blog again and provide my readers with the usual nonsense and idiotic ideas you are all accustomed to. Yes, thats right no more semi-emotional crap, the moment has passed.

When I was younger I was a lot into music, it even inspired me to start a band in high school (there are no known tapes of this phase of me and if any of my former band members do have evidence this has ever happened and make it public, I swear to God I will post those naked pictures of you and that guy)(in case you didnt understand: yes that was a threat). But luckily that phase is over with me getting bored with the genres that I liked and finding new interests. However since I've been here I have been listening to music a lot more often and therefore these recommendations. They have been recommended by my friends as I am too lazy to search for this stuff myself.

Mayer Hawthorne: Impressions
It's a free cover EP released a couple of days ago and it's free to download and fans of old soul are in for a treat! Ever since his debut album in 2009 Mayer Hawthorne seems to capture that lovely feeling you get from listening to the heroes of old: Marvin, Otis and Al. Though he might not be on the same level as them it still is great to hear someone in present day making this music with a new twist. The EP consists of 6 covers of him and a live band. It's great, do yourself a favor and stop listening to the same radio crap for a few minutes and listen to some mature grown up music and still be cool. Because that's just what Mayer Hawthorne is all about.

Odd Future
I consider myself late on this stuff since they have been around for a couple of years now. Tyler the Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, Hodgy Beats and Frank Ocean all released stuff for free on their website before. But with Tyler the Creator's 2nd album coming out last week, it's hard to ignore anymore. Ominous sounds and effects, brutal and insane lyrics on various topics untouched by other rappers, this is not a group for the weak hearted. If you dislike profanity, rap, anti-gay lyrics you will be stunned by these records. I would still recommend you to listen to it though. Because it's hilarious and quite different than most of the stuff out there. Maybe my humor is fundamentally different than yours but I guess we accepted that already.

The Weeknd - House of Balloons
Toronto represent! Naw just kidding I didnt get this from my Canadian friends, but accidentally heard of it while researching some of Frank Ocean's background. Had the album for a while now but really started listening to it just a few weeks back. Only one way to describe this but these songs just make you straight up horny. It has such a nasty feel to it I wouldn't be surprised if it was on a new Duane Franklin's baby making sextape sometime soon. (if you haven't downloaded these mixtapes from Duane Franklin yet, you should. Give a little love to one of my best friends from back home! Hit me for the download links) House of Balloons is a great listen and there is no reason for you to sleep on this. Unless you dont like listening to music during sex. But then you're probably on the wrong blog. This might be more for you then.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coward's way out

A week here is a long time. I had exams and was busy rejoicing a younger version of me playing Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2. Not a combination I would recommend to anyone. Both games are awesome though and I'l never regret it. Any of you who ever played it will understand it so call me a geek, I have no problems with that. 

The important stuff happened after the exams. With no exams or classes left this semester is officially over and with it comes the inevitable thought that my exchange is coming to an end. The ending of an era that is marked in my memories as epic and an experience that I never wanted to miss. 

When I first came to Macau I knew no one. The thing you hope for when it starts is that you have a good time and meet new people but I never imagined meeting so many amazing friends. 

To my best friends and Yellow Fever members: Seriously you guys are the most stupid people I ever met. I wish I never met you guys but I did. This is not an ending for us for we have a whole world to tour and to have karaoke parties everywhere around the world to visit our 'fans'. 
Alex i'm feeling terrible for making so much fun of you. You know it wasn't meant mean or anything but if anyone deserved a better treatment from me it was definitely you. For that I am truly sorry but I know youre too nice to be mad at me anyway hahah. 
NyNy I still cant believe youre french. Seriously you dont look or act like one. I mean that in a good way so dont be insulted. Im pretty sure we'll hang out more in Europe so lets get those other two douches to come over too. 
Yao our killstreak ended a few weeks ago and its a damn shame. Things got so bad people thought we was ghey but both you and me know rainbow is not our favorite color and we both dont own red pants. Seriously you probably understood me best here and that goes the other way around as well. We'll probably wreak havoc in Bali as well so this is def no goodbye. 

To our 'fans': To call you fans is ridiculous because we have never done anything and this was all a joke that went a bit overboard. You are my friends and it was a pleasure to meet all of you and I'm grateful I did.

I dont consider myself an emotional person but as I write this a lump in my throat makes me feel bad. I know myself and I cant say this stuff in front of you guys, so I'm taking the easy way out. I posted this on my blog as only a coward could but I just wanted you guys to know this. 

I think I might've annoyed a lot of people during this semester so since this might be one of my last posts in Macau here is my final attempt at annoying the shit out of you with this space flying kitten with a pop tart body. 

In case someone has any doubts: #nohomo

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Boobday!

All panda sex involves rape. Panda's have the worst sexual appetite of all living creatures except for coral. Coral does not have sex, but once in a month or year they just ejaculate everything they have right into the ocean. Eggs, seamen, everything. And it fills the ocean up too! The biggest fish in the world, a whale shark, swims thousands of miles just to get a facial during this time. It's as disgusting as it sounds. Almost like a fat cross-eyed gay guy trying to talk shit about people. Apparently both think it's necessary to do that, just dont be surprised when it hits you back. In the whale shark case it's a form of coral STD on their lip. In the case of the gay guy it's some smack talk on some guys blog. Oh and I'll probably make some comments behind your back and in your face too.

Im getting off track here and I'll continue the story. All panda sex involves rape. They only feel like having intercourse once in a year and it is almost statistically impossible for those days to fall on the same day as their partner. Either the female or the male doesnt want it and thus has to be raped. Convinced. Drugged.

Now that I got your attention I'd like to introduce a new day for everyone. We all know about birthday's, mother's day and so on. They all celebrate something and usually they are the better days in your life. Well I think we're missing one. Happy Boobday. It's primarily for guys when you celebrate the fact you saw some live boobs, but for the girls that are happy to see them too, none of us guys would mind if you used this term as well.

Just imagine this scenario when your friend just got lucky but we dont have anything proper to say. It's usually along the lines of: "oh cool" because you dont want to sound too excited. Now you can just say "Happy boobday". Nothing weird or anything, just the same as congratulations with your birthday.

Plus boobs should be celebrated. You know they should.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


It's 8:30 am. I'm awake after writing some reports and I still have one left. After seeing it was almost 7, I realized it was almost time for the NBA games. No reason not to watch and blog about it. So if you don't like basketball you can just skip this post cuz you will probably not understand.

First of all, congrats to Derrick Rose of being voted MVP of the regular season. A great player and has an image that is very likable to a lot of people but in my opinion not the MVP of this season. Dont get me wrong, Rose has had a great season. Led his team to the league's best record even with the injuries to Boozer and Noah, two important players on that team. But I think that Chicago's record had more to do with coach Thibodeau's extremely good defensive strategy and overall coaching.
Statistically Rose is close but still behind Lebron's numbers. Howard had a great season with a very mediocre supporting cast finishing fourth in the Eastern Conference. I'm not saying they should be MVP but a 22 yr old score first point guard who takes way too many shots, wouldn't be my MVP. Enough though about this though. I do understand why they picked him but I just don't agree that is all :p

So the game is pretty exciting and I dont want to spoil anything so let's just keep that for later.

The commercials on US television are pretty fun though. They got Burger King commercials followed by cholesterol decreasing pills commercials. Great timing on the commercial programming part. Eat your triple burger with extra cheese and have a cholesterol pill after. Should be a regular combo at your local BK now.

The playoffs have been exciting so far with the Memphis upset of San Antonio leading the way. Zach Randolph has been an absolute beast and has been the post-season MVP thus far in my eyes. That series with OKC should be very interesting. I like both teams, but I've kinda been rooting for the young guys from the Thunder the whole year so I hope they win. OKC in 7

Mavs - Lakers? If the bigs from LA stay healthy I think they'll eventually edge the Mavs out even though they lost game 1. Lakers in 7

Man, someone needs to slap me on the head tomorrow for staying up all night and still watching some basketball games. I'm enjoying it though so it's allright. There is no excuse for not enjoying ones self.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Emotional I am not

Last week of class has ended and we celebrated with dinner and some karaoke after. Funny how this semester has gone by so fast and without me being bored for a moment. Quite the accomplishment if you know how fast I'm bored with stuff. I'm always busy finding stuff to do that I like and when I do I spend a lot of time with it. But then when I do get fed up, I'm done.

Recently my friends here in Macau and me have noticed we've been hopping from group to group. We hang out with some and then it's on to the next one. No hard feelings except that new things are in most cases more interesting. You can say we feel slutty now. Were cheap too! A back massage and some food is all we need.

I realized my time here is coming to an end. It sucks. I actually like it here and I enjoyed my time here in Macau. Some say that Macau is small and boring but I guess it just depends how you deal with it. I wouldn't mind spending more time here and someday I'll come back.

Dont get me wrong now, an emotional person I am not. This is just a realization that will be forgotten quite quickly. Things might be different in a few weeks.

It's amazing how exams make me feel incredibly useless. In no way am I able to concentrate on the work that I have to do. Here I am blogging bout some bullshit and wondering what to eat later tonight (I'm pretty sure someone can make me some noodles). Until then dont be afraid to give me suggestions on other ways to keep my mind off my reports and exams. I welcome it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Its not you, Its me

Another amazing week in the curious adventures of Yeo in Macao/Asia. 
First off we celebrated my birthday, this young pup is now too old to be called a pup. Im more into grandpa territory right now than being in my 'grow up' days. This would actually mean that I have to grow up and I'm pretty sure that I will never be able to do that. We had a great dinner with my friends here and on Wednesday we celebrated by going out. Alas I got pissed off at some random thingies but hey, no worries, I dont run away from being a dick. Nothing like a little bit of controversy.

After the celebrations I went to Singapore to visit one of my best friends who is doing his exchange there. He showed me and Yao around and we hung out with the other Dutch exchange students there. No need to say that we had loads of fun. What I can say about SG though is that it is HOT. Girls are HOT. Weather was HOT. Shit even my fucking room was HOT because we forgot to turn on the AC. We walked out of the plane and my first thought was, how could I be so stupid enough to wear jeans. I know how an ice-cube feels now in a cup of hot tea. Seriously I was melting my balls off.

We walked around in Singapore taking pictures of a merlion, which I thought was stupid. This combo goes in the categorie dumbass animal mixes together with koala-dolphin and a platypus (seriously a bever and a duck...). Then we took pictures of the three building thingie with a boat thingie on top to connect all the thingies. I forgot the name so please remind me again and help an old man who is losing his memory. That building was pretty cool though, I would like to rent a room there once and swim on top of that building. 

The nightlife was great too, got hit on by a guy (people will never let me forget that) and we jumped while injuring people and making room to dance as well. It was like our own little moshpit and we owned it. Get in and die. 
We went to the beach as well and someone had to learn how to swim. Fairly easy I thought but then the ability to drown in this person was a lot higher than the ability to float. Wont say any names *cough Yao *cough but he learned to stay above water and I'm proud of him like a daddy bird watching his young one fall out of its nest. 

All in all good week, if I havent thanked you yet for congratulating me, it will probably never happen. Dont take it personally its not you. Its me, I probably just dont like you. 


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yeo gained 25exp!

It's been a busy week with me spending more time in the library or computerroom than I wanted. It was sort of necessary due to my obligations to some presentations and group work. It cost me some time and some sleep but eventually I think all of them went reasonably well.

Can't say I didn't have fun though, my friends all have their personal quirky behavior keeping things interesting while were doing work. What strikes me as odd though is that is common here to be up at school until late at night. In the Netherlands I get as far from campus as I can get after class. Here I'm still busy around 3/4 AM and there are many other students still busy when I leave and try to get a few hours of sleep.

Isn't it funny when you tell an untrue rumor or fact about yourself to someone who you distrust and suddenly people start asking you about it? Yeahhhh If you read this my respect for you has now reached the same level as Hitler and Paris Hilton, which I'm pretty sure equals none. I'd still do Paris Hilton though there would have to be certain conditions (She cant talk. Ever.)

Anyway this week we copped some katanumbrella's. We named them and gave them abilities. It has 3 major attributes that will help us in the nearby future.
1: It's an umbrella that helps us against the rain when we choose not to get wet.
2: It's an umbrella that will keep us from the sun when we want to mimic the Chinese and dont want a tan. We do but it's nice to have the option of choosing. Freedom is everything.
3: It keeps bandits away because they think we walk around with swords. If you saw an old grandma or a really really really good-looking guy with a katana on his back, who would you rather mug? Hell yeah I'd go after that grandma too!

Yellow Fever also had this amazing karaoke night, where our fans could participate in singing their favorite songs with us. A lot of things happened. People sang, people laughed, people did not get invited, people cried but most of all people had fun. At least until the alcohol wore off. At that point you're thinking: I'm never drinking again! Best remedy to that is simple. Get another beer and 50ml of Man-The-Fuck-Up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bébé, viens là

This week is a killer week filled with presentations and deadlines so I have been spending a considerable amount of time in either the library or the computer rooms. I'm pretty sure my time in both these locations have increased by about 400% compared to the whole semester before this. I'm not proud of it but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. As I'm writing this I still have a presentation to prepare and if you know me a little bit you know I'm doing everything except preparing it.

At the moment I'm attending a french class that is being taught by my fellow group member Anthony and it is safe to say I'm the best student in his class. I'm sure I can get an A for this class if I want to except I'm not really enrolled in it. Comedic distraction is more of a better description of my role in class but hopefully I have not been a bad influence on the rest of the students. They're all female, one of the reasons I'm in here.

It's a fun class though, lots of music and moments of laughter provided by the teacher, so it's not a total waste of time. I dont think I'll be attending a lot more classes because I have shitloads of work to do.

*I changed the background and theme of my blog again. I heard some comments about it being difficult to read with the world in the background. Therefor my new background is one of my favorite comic characters in the Marvel Universe: Deadpool. The merc with a mouth is often depicted as a character with humor and he talks to his readers as well (called breaking the fourth wall). I disliked it when they fucked up his character in the terrible Wolverine: Origins movie but Marvel has a chance to redeem themselves when they make a spin-off Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds seems like the perfect choice to play him so lets keep our fingers crossed this project will be finished.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Frontier

There used to be a time when Facebook, Twitter or a blog didn't matter to me. Those days are long gone now but I'm still trying to get the hang of it with most of these.

Facebook has been a socially indispensable tool since it is great for networking and keeping up with friends that you can't hang out with often. Especially here on my exchange I've found Facebook a great tool since you meet lots of new people and it keeps you in touch with each other. Also you can check people out quite anonymously so big plus.

Started using twitter some time ago too, but since I've been in Southern China I've almost completely stopped with tweeting. Tweeting when on the move is a lot of fun and being stationary while tweeting from my laptop just doesn't give as much satisfaction.

Blogging to me is a lot of fun. I get to write whatever I want and no one would even care. I get to tell about my adventures and what keeps me busy here and I'm lucky people like it. What keeps me up though is, that there is no red line in my blog posts, just random rants every now and then.

Just for those who haven't yet, visit the blogs of my friends. They're funny too and they post pictures whereas I do not.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Sometimes I forget how music can affect your mood and state of mind. Im quite picky with music that I listen to and often I'm not even objectively biased. I just don't like an artist based on maybe a few pointers or something totally irrelevant. Such as Bruno Mars or Usher. Fuck em. Dont ask me for reasons I just dont like them.
But then once in a while you get something handed to you that makes your day or your weekend or in this case it makes it to my blog. Last year it was Mayer Hawthorne's "A Strange Arrangement" that was on my repeat for most of the time. It surprised me but it was exactly what I needed back then. Now I'm really feeling Frank Ocean's "Nostalgia,Ultra". The whole flow of the album just fits me right now and that's probably why I like it that much. Get it for free online.

Yao said it best. I'm a dick. I'll dislike you for no reason and when I try to make you look stupid, you think it's funny. Weird huh?!

I've tried for a long time to ignore my roommate's snoring cause he might read it sometime, but I guess it's too late now. Motherfucker snores like Darth Vader had an illegitimate love child with Don Corleone.

I'll keep ranting about others because I'm in that mood at the moment. Don't worry. It's never about you unless I mention you by name.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


You don't know me very well and that is fine. Most of you have only met me a few months before or not even that long ago. It's not a problem since my blog is only what it is, namely a blog. Whatever you might think about me is all an illusion. A flee circus, a fata morgana or whatever you'd call it (I wonder what it would be in Chinese?). The best thing about facebook and blogs is that you only show people a side you want them to see and usually that is your best side.

In my case this is true due to the fact that there are no bad sides to me. But what about others? Socializing online is more rule than exception nowadays and we are all guilty of it. Profile pics in which you look extremely good or status updates that make you seem funny; yep those are illusions. Push-up bra's, make-up? Also illusions.

In an era where illusions are widely accepted, one might wonder when the illusion stops and where reality begins. Usually it begins in the morning. She wakes up with no make-up on and if you haven't left by then, this might be the perfect time before she starts to talk. But seriously, how does one go online and trust people, when it is so easy to lie or to deceit?

As I write this it becomes obvious to me that things are never what they seem. Sometimes jokes just run out of hand and people will have a problem with it. The best option is never regret what you do or did and just go with it. People don't like it? Fuck them. You dont need them. At least that's what I think.

One thing that has blown up recently has been my boy-band/cause/world saviors group called Yellow Fever. We meet up with fans, do interviews and basically do outrageous stuff that we think is funny. We're coming up with some events in the near future so stay awake and keep following us.

What do we really know about the people around us? Or our "friends" on facebook? Don't get me wrong, there are probably exceptions to the rule but just know that you better pick wisely with who you hang out with. There are wolves about.

Random Note:
Me and Yao were discussing that we have arguments about ridiculous things. And usually our argumentation is borderline silly, but funny to both of us. An ongoing argument of us is about an apple that Yao thought was a pear. It was obviously an apple. But the debate is still ongoing and it shows our creativity and stubbornness. You might be eating chicken or chocolate and we can come up with arguments that make you want to throw up that last piece you ate.
(requirements: creativity and absolute believe in your argument. If I believe it, its not a lie. My Skill Level: Johnny Cochran).

Monday, April 4, 2011

I love fishies!!!

We used to have an aquarium when I was younger and I thought it was better than tv. Just sit there for hours and watch what the fishies were doing. I had my favorite one as well, which was a strange little fish that would hide in the sand whenever I got too close. Sort of how girls react nowadays. At least with the fish I knew it wasn't personal. He didn't like anyone who got to close. This one time the seahorse tried to scare him and he succeeded. My favorite dove into the sand and we have never seen him since.

This past weekend my friends took me to Ocean Park in Hong Kong. My buddies from Yellow Fever were all present and we had an amazing time during the whole weekend. Our band is growing exponentially at the moment and this weekend had a lot to do with it. Please stay tuned at our page cause more exciting and funny things are about to happen.
Back on topic. Ocean Park was incredible, most awesome aquarium I have seen thus far. As you can imagine I was back to being a five year old again and I walked with a smile on my face all day. There were some rides we got to go in and a lot of animals we got to see. The park was so awesome that even the goldfish were of a whole new level. A lot of different kinds too, so yeah to say I was happy that day was an understatement. Many thanks to who made this possible!

While we were in the park we did the necessary promotion of our band Yellow Fever too. People holding up our signs and a clown that wanted to marry NyNy. It's good fun with the crew to do that stuff. All our members have their own quirky personality and it makes it always interesting. Video's will be coming soon onto our Yellow Fever facebook page so follow it keep up.

Sunday was a great chill day and the weather just keeps being good to us. I'm in a happy place. As Alex would say it, I have achieved Individuation

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Run Yeo Run!

It's late and people are sleeping. Instead of sleeping I'm awake wondering why I'm not sleeping. My reasoning is inconclusive so I've stopped bothering trying to figure out. The thing is I dont like to sleep early unless I really have to, but even then I prefer to stay up as long as possible. This usually gets me into trouble in the mornings when I have stuff to do such as class. Good thing though is that I can sleep in class. Bad thing about is that I miss stuff I should pay attention to.
Luckily my classmates dont have the same humor as me. If I saw someone sleeping next to me I'd try to write something on their face. You might think it's childish while I find it hilarious, thing is that if it makes me happy, it is not my problem but yours.

This weekend I didn't sleep much either. People who suffer from amputated limbs sometimes have pain in their limb that they already lost. Ghostpain they call it. I on the other hand had a whole different problem. In my dreams I was running all the time, either chasing someone or being chased. The dreams ended with me spraining my ankle in my dream and waking up with pain in my ankle. Not the best way to wake up. I call it Nightmare-Pain.

Saturday we had a visit to the panda's which was inspirational. Those little bears just kept sleeping while all those people were around. I think they only sleep and eat which is kinda my life dream. Impressive how they can keep it up! Other than that it wasn't the adventure I thought it would be. I can't picture these furry creatures chasing anyone anymore. Another one of China's myths bites the dust.

The bbq on the beach was great. For some reason people kept making me food and I didn't have to do anything really. This should happen more often and the bbq gets a big like from me.

This monday we had our second Yellow Fever contest. The first one was a race between Yao and NyNy down the escalators. It ended up with Yao flying aka falling through the air when he jumped a couple of flights just to beat NyNy. He ended up flat on his face and losing. One of the funniest things I've seen so far though. But our second contest we did in this place where they have 2 for 1 burger nights. Concept is simple, you get burger and fries and then you get another burger and fries. The winner was the one who finished a beer, 2 burgers and all the fries. These are not your average burgers though. These were massive. I have serious doubts if the meat was made from cows and not Brontosaurus meat. Anyway, it was a tight contest with NyNy taking the lead by eating all the fries and burgers but left his beer untouched. Yao and me were finishing the burgers and beer but couldn't finish all the fries so we called it a draw. No losers in our midst, everyone is a winner.
If you have any ideas for our next contest, do let us know. It has to be weird, crazy or fun though else we're not doing it.

I should be sleeping now, class tomorrow morning. Hopefully no Nightmare-pain tonight or else you'll be seeing a grumpy me in class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dinosaur eggs

Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all-time. Not just because it had a boy named Timmy in it, not because it was such an amazing story but back then it was the very first movie with dinosaurs that actually looked good. Before that movie dinosaurs looked like human puppets which they were. Special effects used to be terrible, you just had to imagine it was scary. Seriously R2D2 had a midget playing him so it could move. But yeah, dinosaurs killing people, who doesn't like a movie like that. My new friend told me that and I believe she is right. I could watch that all day everyday.

Jurassic Park has this scene where they're in this ride that shows them how they brought dinosaurs back to life. Remember Mr. DNA? Well it was during that ride that they suddenly jump out to watch some dinosaur eggs. That scene is what made me think of Jurassic Park this week.

Yesterday everything started off swell after a hangover and missing class, we had lunch in this Portuguese place near the beach. Good food, sangria and a beach are the best weapons against the headaches of drinking too much. It's like throwing a nuke on a mountain of ants. But it works so that is all I cared about. Anyway it should've been obvious but something bad was going to happen. I dont mind bad things happening except it happened to me. We went to play some basketball 1on1 and I was up against Yao. Dont ask me how but I was lucky with some shots and he was terrible on some of his. Then it happened, we jumped and my ankle couldn't support all my awesomeness and gave way in a manner that should not happen to ankles.

I screamed (manly) and fell on the floor but didn't cry because I can't. I think I was on the ground for a good 15 minutes and then I had to cripwalk back to the taxistand. It might've been only 500 meters but it took me a good 30 minutes to get back. Bathroom break included. That bathroom break was unsuccessful due to this female worker who kept screaming to me in Chinese. I went into this stall and she kept screaming and it made me nervous to the point I couldn't take a piss. I ran (see: jumped on one leg) and got to the taxi. All the while trying to not pee in my pants.

When I got home I looked at my ankle which had grown to humongous proportions and it was round shaped. It instantly reminded me of that dinosaur egg Dr Grant was holding in his hand when that little raptor gets out. Well that is the story of my obsession with dinosaur eggs this week. I need to download that movie and relive my childhood again. Tomorrow I'm visiting the Macao panda's and I hope they dont chase me. Cant really run at the moment...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pretty random is still random

It's supposed to be rude to talk with a chinese person about the weather. It indicates you dont think they're interesting enough. I wish I would've known this earlier this semester.

Yeah, there isn't going to be a singular story-line in this post since no major events have happened since last week. So I'm just posting some random thoughts that popped up in my mind.

Praying for Japan... I know the situation is tough and all but all those peeps saying pray for Japan need to get of their lazy butt and stop being hypocritical. Shit they never prayed for anything before so why start now... Donate, organize a charity event or just fucking do something if you want to help but stop the fucking praying cause you aint helping no one with that.
World leaders are sending troops and help. Even China is sending emergency expeditions. The pope said he'll mention Japan in his prayers. Seems the pope has a pretty good deal.
I dont mean anything bad about the whole Japan thing because its pretty serious. I admire the effort some people take to help them out but the insincerity of saying pray for them is just bugging me out.

I wonder if a nuclear fall-out will cause people to have powers. In comics radioactive spiders gave Spider-man his powers and other examples should be available (the Hulk). So in case something happens what animal do you want to be bitten by? The only thing we have in Macao are panda's and I dont want to be bitten by a radioactive panda. The only power you'd end up with would be loss of sexual appetite. No one should have that power.

Too bad the whole dragon thing is a myth. Now that would be an animal I would like to gain power from. Infinite wisdom, flying and fire-breath!? Imagine that! Find something unpleasant in your bed? Just breath fire on that shit and make your problem go away.

Went to the beach this weekend and this might reoccur more often. Sun was shining and the bbq was excellent. Yup my dutch readers, bbq on the beach in March. How you like me now?

I'm getting better at basketball. I actually made some baskets when we played some chinese people. They were a lot smaller than me so it felt like playing against kids but I dont care. Kids should get their asses kicked too. Mercy does not exist in my vocabulary.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best villain 3v4r

Minor update on the HK trip. During our shopping run I met the most coolest villain ever in geek culture. I was walking through this barren plain (shopping mall) when I heard it. His anthem, his tune. A melody so memorable it has true jedi knights waking up at night and spooning their pillows. The Imperial March.

My eyes went wide, mind is spinning what the fuck is happening... Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker just walked past me. He had his set of droids with him and I'm glad I didnt bring my lightsabre with me. He could've figured out the amount of midi-chlorians I have and force choke me to death. It didnt happen. I'm just glad I made it and he didnt get me when I was in my ghetto room...

All in all best thing that happened to me so far. When I was a kid all I wanted to be when I would grow up was either Darth Vader or a T-rex. A T-rex sounds pretty dumb right now actually. There is no way I can grow a tail. But growing up to be Darth Vader is still a possibility. He was a dick. I'm a dick. Only thing I need is a mask

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Messed up bio-rhythm

It's past 4 AM and Messi just flicked the ball over Almunia, who was helplessly flailing at empty air. Halfway around the world this move has men letting out orgasm-like sounds at the ultimate control and calmness of the best football player in the world right now.

They say the freaks come out at night. I say the freaks are fracking dumb. Really really dumb #antoinedodgsonvoice. They should come out during the day cause the weather is a lot better. But the night has it's good sides and this weekend in HK it was no different.

Van Persie gets his second yellow card for an overrated technical foul. Dont want to get in a debate but he didnt deserve this one. Game is still exciting enough to keep me up especially after an unlucky Barcelona own goal.

In HK we met up with some of my dutch friends and went out for a drink, a dance, a laugh and an empty wallet. HK is expensive as hell for clubbing, thank the heavens from whichever religion you believe in for Club Seven One One. Without it, it's practically impossible to get drunk without spending a small fortune. Well we got drunk anyway and ended up bar hopping. That's when I saw the freaks, chicks in stripperpoles (hot ones and ugly ones), Indian 50cts and puking asians. To the puking asians I would like to say: when you start getting red, stop. Even if its after one sip. You're not built for it.

Barcelona makes 2 goals in rapid succession and this game looks done. Too bad, this game could've been much better if it was still 11 vs 11. I say do-over next year. Thai commentary is getting on my nerves. They scream murder after every single pass from Barcelona and grown men should not behave so giggly.

We spent the night in HK in a hostel that was ghetto asian style. Room was hot and crappy with a huge fan that was about to fall off with every spin that it took. When I went to sleep I just hoped I would wake up with both my kidneys. It was that kind of place. But hey, I survived. No biggie.

The next day we went touring through the city and visited some shops. Yawn, yeah I think that was boring too. It's 6 AM right now and the game is done. 4 more hours til class should be enough for a quick nap and if it isn't enough, there is always the possibility of sleeping in class. I'm good at it. As always.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Specialized in wasting time

I've got 2,5 hours left until my midterm. Those hours will be spent wisely on blogging, browsing and eating, I will make up stuff just so I dont really have to open my books. Ever notice how your room is always so much cleaner when you actually have to study? Yes, we all prefer to clean up our shit instead of studying. Instead of cleaning up today I'll ramble about things that pop up in my head on my blog.

I got this weird habit of learning useless skills. Whenever I see something completely useless that will only waste my time, I want to learn it. Better yet, I need to master it. 
Some off these time-consuming and ultimately unimpressive activities include fixing rubik cubes, magic the gathering and since I've been in China I learned Chinese chess. It's similar to normal chess except you have cannons and elephants. Again, no dragons. The game is good fun even though it lacks certain elements that would've made it better like a chopper gunner or ninja assassin or a free lap-dance. 

Ok nice, I just waisted another 30 minutes. 2 hours left and still haven't bought the book. 

This blogging thing is working out better than I thought. Without any previous writing experience I manage to captivate 15 people a day with utter nonsense. That has always been one of my major goals in life, 150 achievement points earned.

I'm starting to miss my friends from Holland. The buffoonery of hanging out with them has been enjoyable for the past 18 yrs and I just want to say I love you guys, no homo.
But then I hear about all the rain and snow you had to endure for the past weeks while I'm sitting here in my shorts and t-shirts, enjoying the sun and smoking cheap cigarettes. Feeling pretty blessed right now. 

My little brother's birthday is coming up this week. If for some unknown reason you've liked my posts, I would certainly recommend you following his twitter @datdoggiedanny . He most certainly is the funny one in the family and that is quite an accomplishment, since I'm from the same family.

I think I've wasted enough time for now. Time for me to get some food. Next time I'll tell you a joke about how my friend made her roommates cry. And I'm going to HK this weekend so I might have some stories to tell. Considering that last time was pretty fun, I keep wondering what karma has in store for me this weekend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

And we will never speak of it again...

Those who have me on facebook probably read that I had a bet going on with one of my Canadian friends. Yesterday was the culmination of this high publicized event but let me inform you why this bet came to fruition.

Alex is one of my Canadian friends and he is a nerd. He goes to the library or computer room every single day and studies. What he studies no one knows but he is there until 3 am sometimes and he never hangs out anymore. Alex has basketball experience (he was on his basketball team!) but says he hasn't been playing for years (not true).
I can never be found in or near a library. Drag me in there and I have no idea how it works. What do you do in a library that you cant do anywhere else like home? I know you cant talk loud in a library so why would anyone want to go there? I have no basketball playing experience whatsoever (I watch a lot and played a lot of nba2k so I considered myself an expert. In reality it is a lot more different.)

For some dumb reason I figured I could beat Alex, dont ask me why but obviously this wasn't true. It was a tight game, but in the end Alex's luck found its way to the basket. I am not ashamed to say Alex beat me fair and square except I'm still better.

After basketball I had jumped enough and proceeded to check out the football cage next to our spot. To say that I was impressed was a lie, because the level of play was not very high. I joined them a few games later and killed all of them. They might still be dizzy from all my high speed moves, not unexpected. I bet I was in some of their nightmares last night wearing a cape. Yes, a cape.

The idea is to go work out more often in these places cause its free and we had a lot of fun. I'll have to learn playing basketball and maybe at the end of the semester me and Alex can have a rematch. As they would say in very cheesy tv-series: To be continued... (play sinister music)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Me vs infection. Timmy 1 - Infection 0

Last week I had pain in my jaw, which I figured would just be over in a few days but on Wednesday last week it evolved. Changed. It reached a level and became an absolute monster in my mouth. My jaw froze up and I couldn't move it without squinting my eyes because of the pain. Eating was particularly painful but ultimately necessary, painful as it was it tasted delicious. I literally was on the verge of crying after my food. Naturally I didn't cry, because I can't. 

The next step in my fight against the pain was painkillers. I used them. Swallowed a bunch of Finnish paracetamol and it didn't work. Dont know if it was because of the pills being from Finland or that I'm immune against painkillers, but my jaw felt like a little alien was inhabiting it and would burst out at any second. Painkillers was obviously not an oeuf. 

Hospital was the next option but since I have played a lot of theme hospital in my younger years I was very weary of going to one. I did needed to get checked out though so we stopped a cab and he didnt understand us. No one knows how these taxi drivers make a living but they dont understand shit! You talk in English and say "Hospital" or "Doctor" or "Happy Ending" and they will not understand. If you say either "Casino" or "Massage" they will have you in one of those buildings (sometimes same building) before you can count to one. Now on the other hand if you speak in Chinese to them, they will not know the adress. No matter if it is the biggest fracking street in Macao or Taipa, they will not know it. I just wonder if they took the job as a way to annoy people, which would be awesome cause you get payed and can screw people over at the same time! Show me another job where you can do that and I'll buy you dinner. 

Anyway the hospital had a registration window and there was a unhappy girl there. She made me unhappy too when I had to answer all her questions even when I said that talking hurt. She proceeded by asking more questions. I guess that is routine for a receptionist. If my leg was broken she would've asked me to run 5 miles and then come back. The doctor checked out my jaw after the receptionist was done torturing me. He pressed my jaw so hard I thought I gave birth. Still no tears. The tears did well up when I figured there were no hot nurses. That was my cue and I needed to leave that place. Fortunately anti-biotics were cheap and they gave me a shitload of painkillers. I slept well that night. 

The scorecard in the title is wrong actually. It doesn't reflect my struggles but it accurately displays the winner though which is me. Moral of the story is that if an infection shouldn't pick a fight with me, you shouldn't either. I always win.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chinese New Year: Warzone Macao

First of all, Chinese New Year (CNY) is dangerous. No joke. If you do not have the necessary skills such as dodging, running, screaming (manly) and taking shots (photo) you should not be near China during this period of the year. This is a man's world, so take your baby face and self delusion in football to the nearest kindergarten. 

I've seen my share of fireworks in Amsterdam. When you're younger you do stupid things with fireworks you know you shouldn't do but the Chinese just take it to a whole new level here. They have these designated areas where they sell and set off fireworks. Which in theory controls it a bit but they must have underestimated the sheer amount of people that want to fire some rockets. 

Lets start with the obvious things. Try to store and sell fireworks 50 meters from the place where everyone sets their fireworks on fire. Antoine Dodgson would say: You are really dumb, fo real.
Another thing is the mere mass of people in such a small (explosive) area will surely present dangerous situations. People carrying boxes full of fireworks. Millions of rockets set of at the same time and they are not the rockets your neighbor in Holland sets off with a little bang (no exclamation intended) (actually, try to whisper 'bang'). Noooo sir. These were huge fracking rockets! Their explosions damage your hearing and fill your hair with ash. And they had different colors too!! I <3 blue -_-!! Back to the example. Yes once in a while the rockets would set of other boxes or not go high in the air enough causing dangerous situations. Rockets were flying past my head left and right and were I a weaker man I would've been hit at least once. I yelled: Yeo, evade! And didn't get hit once.

Apart from the exciting feel of terror that surrounded you in that place of mutilation and unintentional deafness, the fireworks were awesome to look at. Seriously I saw fireworks in star-shape, round-shaped with a extra circle wrapped around it and different colors! It was impressive to see so much different kinds of firework. I lit up some rockets too and after that played with children's fireworks. They seemed pretty harmless to me and I never underestimate my keen ability to screw things up. 

The holiday is over now and were back to class. I actually have to do stuff for school now and it is not making me happy...

Used my stupidity credit yesterday on trying to pee and brush my teeth at the same time. I recommend to anyone who is curious not to do it.

I'm still here

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Karma hates it when you have fun

You doing good when you got haters - Cant fracking remember who the frack said this

Karma is a hater of mine and she's such a nasty -bleep-. 

Hong Kong was terrific this weekend. It's like a mistress. You cant have a proper relationship with her because but every once in a while you can have a lot of fun with her. Same for Hong Kong, its probably not for me to live there but a weekend each month is perfect.

I met up with some friends from Holland in HK and they took us to an all you can drink place for 250 hkd. Loved the place. Definitely should try and find it again, because LKF is pretty expensive. Unless you have a lifetime membership card at Club seven-one-one.

Karma hated I had a good time in HK. I was sick for week after that weekend and I'm still not 100%.

This post has been in my posting section for 3 weeks now. I figured it might grow into something better if I would give it some time. However blogging doesn't work that way.

I've got more stories to tell, they'll show up in the next few days!!!

If you want to see pictures on my blog you should keep waiting!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My bad!

Haven't blogged in over a week. Problem is that I actually have to be home to post something and usually that's around 3am. As you could see from my last post, blogging when drunk is not as great an idea as you think at that time. The reason why I'm never at home is that I'm always at my friend's place and it is so much nicer than my room. I'll probably be there all the time until they charge me for rent.

Macao so far has been great it's just too small to really do different stuff each day. Thats why we kind of party and drink and eat and party all the time. (Mom, if you're reading this, I go to class and the library as well. Those are the only places I can sleep at. It's so nice and quiet there.)

My neighbors have this baby that keeps waking me up. There is just no way in shutting that baby up! So I sleep with headphones on and hope that I will hear my alarm when I wake-up. (That baby is one of the reasons why I sleep during class. The other one reason is that all the professors have such a monotone voice, I could get rich if I taped it and sold it to people with insomnia. You'll fall asleep within 10 minutes GUARANTEED!)

There is a shortcut from my house that leads though a small alleyway but saves me maybe 15 minutes in walking. During daytime it was really easy to navigate through the maze of small roads. However during the night and my intoxicated state it was a whole new ballgame. Me and my friend Anthony walked there with all these mean-looking straight-out-of-Resident-Evil dogs barking at us and we just got completely lost. We ended up taking a route that took us much longer than if we would've taken the normal road. According to another exchange student we must have passed a psychiatric ward as well. It is Macao's very own Arkham Asylum.

We got an offer during Chinese Culture to teach english to young monks for 3-6 months in a monastery. In exchange you would not get paid in cash or other riches for ordinary people. No. They would pay us in Shaolin Martial Arts training. Yes that's right. If I had time to do it I would've been Batman after summer. I'm actually a bit saddened by the fact I probably don't have time to take her up on that offer. I mean that would've been the experience of a lifetime. I wonder what kind of superpower they would imbue me with. Super-strength, teleportation and invulnerability would all be fine with me.

This weekend I will be going to Hong Kong to meet up with some friends and to visit the peek. I hope to update more often next week but I'll probably need a few days to sober up first.

'Yes, I know what you're thinking. I like me too' ~ Yeo

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You want to become an iceberg??

Had my first classes of this semester this week. Lots of fun but it is so different from back home. For example the chinese students dont say a word during class. Me and my canadian friend Yao are probably the loudest people in the classroom and I can't say we're having a lot of fun. That might also be the reason the chinese are not talking to us. too noisy too loud, it's not one of my better traits.

Already had my first wrong class as well on Tuesday. I thought class was on Tuesdays and I probably had some alcohol in me from the day before (dress-code party from one of the french) (please dont tag me on facebook). Since I was already late I ran like 10 floors because there were probably like a 1000* people waiting at the elevator. Got in class just in time and after 5 minutes it became clear my class wouldnt start until Thursday. Yes I'm that stupid, there I said it.

Some of the classes have teachers that dont speak english that well. If you say iceberg instead of expert and cunt instead of count, dont be mad when I'm laughing my ass off during your lecture. "If you want to become an iceberg you can cunt on a lot of studying."

Some random thoughts:

In restaurants I just point at my food to order what I want. This is usually a good idea except they then start to talk in chinese to me and I just say okay until they walk away. This will not always give you the dish that you want to have and therefore knowledge of the chinese language might be handy in some cases.

Nice to know I have about 15 pageviews each day. I dont know how you manage to keep up with all the BS I'm posting but I'm happy for it! Hopefully we can all have a laugh about this someday when were grey and old. Or high. Or drunk. I dont ever want to be old. And grey.

Still too lazy to upload pictures... I need someone to kick my ass and make me do it. Unfortunately I'm stronger than each and everyone of you. 

*my calculations for saying it was a 1000 people. China has a population of over a billion. the odds that there are a 1000 people near a elevator at any given time I've set at 50%. So it's a fifty-fifty shot. Since I have a huge fucking chip on my shoulder and am always right (building block rule of the universe), I'd say my odds of getting it right this time is a 100%.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stylish puppies

Saw some pretty cool things these past days. During the tour on Friday we went to a lot of places and some museums, I have pictures but too frackin lazy to upload them. Also I'm probably on none of them, actually that might be a good thing.
The karaoke party was crazy and everyone was kinda drunk so we had a good time. Yellow Fever didnt get a chance to perform but I think no-one kinda cared anyway. Yellow Fever's time will come no doubt about it!

Some random thoughts about Macao:

I'm a little disappointed for being in a part of China and I didnt see a single fire-spitting dragon yet. They are either hiding incredibly well or they're in some other part. I bet I'll eat part of a dragon without knowing it sooner than see one.

The dogs here actually have more style than I have. They fracking rock baseball jackets and fucking paw-gloves. Scarfs, hats and don't be surprised if they even have more better looking cars. If you see a dog without clothing, it'll probably get arrested because of public nudity and obscene gestures. They'll eat it afterwards.

Bought a jacket for 20 euro! It'll probably only last a month or so but still! 20 euro is as if you're buying groceries in Holland! It's probably better than spending it on gambling as well.

One week in Macao and didnt spend a penny yet on gambling. I like me

Tomorrow is the first day of class so no party tonight, we'll make up for it on the other nights though. Now off to get some sleep! Hopefully there will be no drilling of any kind in the rooms next to me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Had my first signs of a jetlag in the past few nights. Couldn't sleep until 9 AM, which was annoying since I definitely needed that sleep. Anyone with some good tips to help me master this problem, you are welcome to let me know and for this one time I'll try to listen.
Yesterday we had a tour through Macao and we saw some nice places and I got pictures too. At this moment though I'm just too lazy to put them online. Highlight of the day was the Tower of Macao which has some glass floors on the top. Pretty scary but I just pretended like I was tough. Just so happy I didn't pee my pants when I acted like it was nothing. You can also bungee jump from the tower but I'm not sure yet if I wanna do that. It sounds cool and all but it's incredibly high and I really don't know yet.
At night we went to the Venetian which was crazy. Free drinks for ladies and there was a band, people doing backflips and stuff. I hoped he would fall except he didn't obey to my secret silent commands. Tried the Force on him as well, didn't work so the Force is probably weak in Macao.
Tomorrow we've got another big day. Tour part II and Karaoke at night. I can't promise anything but I might sing a song or two, or more, or until I pass out again.

No pictures please

Btw I wasn't scared. I never am.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I think I might have set a new personal best after I've slept about 15 hours last night. Probably had no energy left due to all the travels but the good thing is today was much better than yesterday. Had some proper food (Korean BBQ) and then a party at some of the exchange student places. They called the police afterwards saying there was too much noise so we have to find some other place to hang out.
The other exchange students are great actually and we'll probably have a lot of fun. Right now we're planning to go to Malaysia during the Chinese New Year celebration and hopefully I can stop by in Singapore to see Ray as well. That's all for now, tomorrow is ladies night at the Venetian so it'll probably be a lot of fun!

No funny anecdotes in this post, cause I'm too tired. I'll make sure I'll have some tomorrow.

TTYN xoxoxo (I have no idea what this means)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Fear Factor without the 50.000 dollar prize

Today was my first day in Macau and no need to say that it was eventful at the very least. It started after arriving in Hong Kong, when after a 12 hour flight I had to sit in a bus for 40 minutes and then a ride on a boat comparable to a one-hour roller coaster without the cool picture when you're screaming your lungs out. Inevitably I was exhausted but sometimes you just gotta man the fuck up and go on.
The exchange students had a introduction lunch and thats when I joined the group. This lunch was nothing compared to the horrors we faced during dinner. If I would have known, I would've eaten a lot more of those Portuguese Egg Tarts (i.e. THESE ARE FRACKING DELICIOUS!!! someone better find a place where they sell it in Amsterdam).
Dinner as mentioned before was not as expected. We were tired and hungry when we arrived at a crappy looking place in the center of Hong Kong. The dishes started off pretty nice with some egg and shrimps, sweet and sour pork, but this was just a small diversion to what was coming. Maggots as thick as my thumb, the tongue of a duck (which wasn't even that bad), worms hidden in scrambled egg, snake (no fangs), some weird looking creature they caught in the sea (i called it mutated shrimp) and more exotic 'delicacies' that I cannot begin to describe.
Hopefully the rest of the introduction dinners will be less exotic since I can't imagine eating that again. Memorable is probably the only word that would describe my day, even if I wished I could forget it