Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Frontier

There used to be a time when Facebook, Twitter or a blog didn't matter to me. Those days are long gone now but I'm still trying to get the hang of it with most of these.

Facebook has been a socially indispensable tool since it is great for networking and keeping up with friends that you can't hang out with often. Especially here on my exchange I've found Facebook a great tool since you meet lots of new people and it keeps you in touch with each other. Also you can check people out quite anonymously so big plus.

Started using twitter some time ago too, but since I've been in Southern China I've almost completely stopped with tweeting. Tweeting when on the move is a lot of fun and being stationary while tweeting from my laptop just doesn't give as much satisfaction.

Blogging to me is a lot of fun. I get to write whatever I want and no one would even care. I get to tell about my adventures and what keeps me busy here and I'm lucky people like it. What keeps me up though is, that there is no red line in my blog posts, just random rants every now and then.

Just for those who haven't yet, visit the blogs of my friends. They're funny too and they post pictures whereas I do not.

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