Thursday, April 7, 2011


You don't know me very well and that is fine. Most of you have only met me a few months before or not even that long ago. It's not a problem since my blog is only what it is, namely a blog. Whatever you might think about me is all an illusion. A flee circus, a fata morgana or whatever you'd call it (I wonder what it would be in Chinese?). The best thing about facebook and blogs is that you only show people a side you want them to see and usually that is your best side.

In my case this is true due to the fact that there are no bad sides to me. But what about others? Socializing online is more rule than exception nowadays and we are all guilty of it. Profile pics in which you look extremely good or status updates that make you seem funny; yep those are illusions. Push-up bra's, make-up? Also illusions.

In an era where illusions are widely accepted, one might wonder when the illusion stops and where reality begins. Usually it begins in the morning. She wakes up with no make-up on and if you haven't left by then, this might be the perfect time before she starts to talk. But seriously, how does one go online and trust people, when it is so easy to lie or to deceit?

As I write this it becomes obvious to me that things are never what they seem. Sometimes jokes just run out of hand and people will have a problem with it. The best option is never regret what you do or did and just go with it. People don't like it? Fuck them. You dont need them. At least that's what I think.

One thing that has blown up recently has been my boy-band/cause/world saviors group called Yellow Fever. We meet up with fans, do interviews and basically do outrageous stuff that we think is funny. We're coming up with some events in the near future so stay awake and keep following us.

What do we really know about the people around us? Or our "friends" on facebook? Don't get me wrong, there are probably exceptions to the rule but just know that you better pick wisely with who you hang out with. There are wolves about.

Random Note:
Me and Yao were discussing that we have arguments about ridiculous things. And usually our argumentation is borderline silly, but funny to both of us. An ongoing argument of us is about an apple that Yao thought was a pear. It was obviously an apple. But the debate is still ongoing and it shows our creativity and stubbornness. You might be eating chicken or chocolate and we can come up with arguments that make you want to throw up that last piece you ate.
(requirements: creativity and absolute believe in your argument. If I believe it, its not a lie. My Skill Level: Johnny Cochran).

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