Monday, April 25, 2011

Its not you, Its me

Another amazing week in the curious adventures of Yeo in Macao/Asia. 
First off we celebrated my birthday, this young pup is now too old to be called a pup. Im more into grandpa territory right now than being in my 'grow up' days. This would actually mean that I have to grow up and I'm pretty sure that I will never be able to do that. We had a great dinner with my friends here and on Wednesday we celebrated by going out. Alas I got pissed off at some random thingies but hey, no worries, I dont run away from being a dick. Nothing like a little bit of controversy.

After the celebrations I went to Singapore to visit one of my best friends who is doing his exchange there. He showed me and Yao around and we hung out with the other Dutch exchange students there. No need to say that we had loads of fun. What I can say about SG though is that it is HOT. Girls are HOT. Weather was HOT. Shit even my fucking room was HOT because we forgot to turn on the AC. We walked out of the plane and my first thought was, how could I be so stupid enough to wear jeans. I know how an ice-cube feels now in a cup of hot tea. Seriously I was melting my balls off.

We walked around in Singapore taking pictures of a merlion, which I thought was stupid. This combo goes in the categorie dumbass animal mixes together with koala-dolphin and a platypus (seriously a bever and a duck...). Then we took pictures of the three building thingie with a boat thingie on top to connect all the thingies. I forgot the name so please remind me again and help an old man who is losing his memory. That building was pretty cool though, I would like to rent a room there once and swim on top of that building. 

The nightlife was great too, got hit on by a guy (people will never let me forget that) and we jumped while injuring people and making room to dance as well. It was like our own little moshpit and we owned it. Get in and die. 
We went to the beach as well and someone had to learn how to swim. Fairly easy I thought but then the ability to drown in this person was a lot higher than the ability to float. Wont say any names *cough Yao *cough but he learned to stay above water and I'm proud of him like a daddy bird watching his young one fall out of its nest. 

All in all good week, if I havent thanked you yet for congratulating me, it will probably never happen. Dont take it personally its not you. Its me, I probably just dont like you. 


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