Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Me vs infection. Timmy 1 - Infection 0

Last week I had pain in my jaw, which I figured would just be over in a few days but on Wednesday last week it evolved. Changed. It reached a level and became an absolute monster in my mouth. My jaw froze up and I couldn't move it without squinting my eyes because of the pain. Eating was particularly painful but ultimately necessary, painful as it was it tasted delicious. I literally was on the verge of crying after my food. Naturally I didn't cry, because I can't. 

The next step in my fight against the pain was painkillers. I used them. Swallowed a bunch of Finnish paracetamol and it didn't work. Dont know if it was because of the pills being from Finland or that I'm immune against painkillers, but my jaw felt like a little alien was inhabiting it and would burst out at any second. Painkillers was obviously not an oeuf. 

Hospital was the next option but since I have played a lot of theme hospital in my younger years I was very weary of going to one. I did needed to get checked out though so we stopped a cab and he didnt understand us. No one knows how these taxi drivers make a living but they dont understand shit! You talk in English and say "Hospital" or "Doctor" or "Happy Ending" and they will not understand. If you say either "Casino" or "Massage" they will have you in one of those buildings (sometimes same building) before you can count to one. Now on the other hand if you speak in Chinese to them, they will not know the adress. No matter if it is the biggest fracking street in Macao or Taipa, they will not know it. I just wonder if they took the job as a way to annoy people, which would be awesome cause you get payed and can screw people over at the same time! Show me another job where you can do that and I'll buy you dinner. 

Anyway the hospital had a registration window and there was a unhappy girl there. She made me unhappy too when I had to answer all her questions even when I said that talking hurt. She proceeded by asking more questions. I guess that is routine for a receptionist. If my leg was broken she would've asked me to run 5 miles and then come back. The doctor checked out my jaw after the receptionist was done torturing me. He pressed my jaw so hard I thought I gave birth. Still no tears. The tears did well up when I figured there were no hot nurses. That was my cue and I needed to leave that place. Fortunately anti-biotics were cheap and they gave me a shitload of painkillers. I slept well that night. 

The scorecard in the title is wrong actually. It doesn't reflect my struggles but it accurately displays the winner though which is me. Moral of the story is that if an infection shouldn't pick a fight with me, you shouldn't either. I always win.

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