Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Specialized in wasting time

I've got 2,5 hours left until my midterm. Those hours will be spent wisely on blogging, browsing and eating, I will make up stuff just so I dont really have to open my books. Ever notice how your room is always so much cleaner when you actually have to study? Yes, we all prefer to clean up our shit instead of studying. Instead of cleaning up today I'll ramble about things that pop up in my head on my blog.

I got this weird habit of learning useless skills. Whenever I see something completely useless that will only waste my time, I want to learn it. Better yet, I need to master it. 
Some off these time-consuming and ultimately unimpressive activities include fixing rubik cubes, magic the gathering and since I've been in China I learned Chinese chess. It's similar to normal chess except you have cannons and elephants. Again, no dragons. The game is good fun even though it lacks certain elements that would've made it better like a chopper gunner or ninja assassin or a free lap-dance. 

Ok nice, I just waisted another 30 minutes. 2 hours left and still haven't bought the book. 

This blogging thing is working out better than I thought. Without any previous writing experience I manage to captivate 15 people a day with utter nonsense. That has always been one of my major goals in life, 150 achievement points earned.

I'm starting to miss my friends from Holland. The buffoonery of hanging out with them has been enjoyable for the past 18 yrs and I just want to say I love you guys, no homo.
But then I hear about all the rain and snow you had to endure for the past weeks while I'm sitting here in my shorts and t-shirts, enjoying the sun and smoking cheap cigarettes. Feeling pretty blessed right now. 

My little brother's birthday is coming up this week. If for some unknown reason you've liked my posts, I would certainly recommend you following his twitter @datdoggiedanny . He most certainly is the funny one in the family and that is quite an accomplishment, since I'm from the same family.

I think I've wasted enough time for now. Time for me to get some food. Next time I'll tell you a joke about how my friend made her roommates cry. And I'm going to HK this weekend so I might have some stories to tell. Considering that last time was pretty fun, I keep wondering what karma has in store for me this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Chinese chesss!!
    hahaha dat is leukk kheb ook in nl XD
    enjoy ur weekenddd xox!
