Friday, March 25, 2011

Dinosaur eggs

Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all-time. Not just because it had a boy named Timmy in it, not because it was such an amazing story but back then it was the very first movie with dinosaurs that actually looked good. Before that movie dinosaurs looked like human puppets which they were. Special effects used to be terrible, you just had to imagine it was scary. Seriously R2D2 had a midget playing him so it could move. But yeah, dinosaurs killing people, who doesn't like a movie like that. My new friend told me that and I believe she is right. I could watch that all day everyday.

Jurassic Park has this scene where they're in this ride that shows them how they brought dinosaurs back to life. Remember Mr. DNA? Well it was during that ride that they suddenly jump out to watch some dinosaur eggs. That scene is what made me think of Jurassic Park this week.

Yesterday everything started off swell after a hangover and missing class, we had lunch in this Portuguese place near the beach. Good food, sangria and a beach are the best weapons against the headaches of drinking too much. It's like throwing a nuke on a mountain of ants. But it works so that is all I cared about. Anyway it should've been obvious but something bad was going to happen. I dont mind bad things happening except it happened to me. We went to play some basketball 1on1 and I was up against Yao. Dont ask me how but I was lucky with some shots and he was terrible on some of his. Then it happened, we jumped and my ankle couldn't support all my awesomeness and gave way in a manner that should not happen to ankles.

I screamed (manly) and fell on the floor but didn't cry because I can't. I think I was on the ground for a good 15 minutes and then I had to cripwalk back to the taxistand. It might've been only 500 meters but it took me a good 30 minutes to get back. Bathroom break included. That bathroom break was unsuccessful due to this female worker who kept screaming to me in Chinese. I went into this stall and she kept screaming and it made me nervous to the point I couldn't take a piss. I ran (see: jumped on one leg) and got to the taxi. All the while trying to not pee in my pants.

When I got home I looked at my ankle which had grown to humongous proportions and it was round shaped. It instantly reminded me of that dinosaur egg Dr Grant was holding in his hand when that little raptor gets out. Well that is the story of my obsession with dinosaur eggs this week. I need to download that movie and relive my childhood again. Tomorrow I'm visiting the Macao panda's and I hope they dont chase me. Cant really run at the moment...

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