Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pretty random is still random

It's supposed to be rude to talk with a chinese person about the weather. It indicates you dont think they're interesting enough. I wish I would've known this earlier this semester.

Yeah, there isn't going to be a singular story-line in this post since no major events have happened since last week. So I'm just posting some random thoughts that popped up in my mind.

Praying for Japan... I know the situation is tough and all but all those peeps saying pray for Japan need to get of their lazy butt and stop being hypocritical. Shit they never prayed for anything before so why start now... Donate, organize a charity event or just fucking do something if you want to help but stop the fucking praying cause you aint helping no one with that.
World leaders are sending troops and help. Even China is sending emergency expeditions. The pope said he'll mention Japan in his prayers. Seems the pope has a pretty good deal.
I dont mean anything bad about the whole Japan thing because its pretty serious. I admire the effort some people take to help them out but the insincerity of saying pray for them is just bugging me out.

I wonder if a nuclear fall-out will cause people to have powers. In comics radioactive spiders gave Spider-man his powers and other examples should be available (the Hulk). So in case something happens what animal do you want to be bitten by? The only thing we have in Macao are panda's and I dont want to be bitten by a radioactive panda. The only power you'd end up with would be loss of sexual appetite. No one should have that power.

Too bad the whole dragon thing is a myth. Now that would be an animal I would like to gain power from. Infinite wisdom, flying and fire-breath!? Imagine that! Find something unpleasant in your bed? Just breath fire on that shit and make your problem go away.

Went to the beach this weekend and this might reoccur more often. Sun was shining and the bbq was excellent. Yup my dutch readers, bbq on the beach in March. How you like me now?

I'm getting better at basketball. I actually made some baskets when we played some chinese people. They were a lot smaller than me so it felt like playing against kids but I dont care. Kids should get their asses kicked too. Mercy does not exist in my vocabulary.

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