Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Messed up bio-rhythm

It's past 4 AM and Messi just flicked the ball over Almunia, who was helplessly flailing at empty air. Halfway around the world this move has men letting out orgasm-like sounds at the ultimate control and calmness of the best football player in the world right now.

They say the freaks come out at night. I say the freaks are fracking dumb. Really really dumb #antoinedodgsonvoice. They should come out during the day cause the weather is a lot better. But the night has it's good sides and this weekend in HK it was no different.

Van Persie gets his second yellow card for an overrated technical foul. Dont want to get in a debate but he didnt deserve this one. Game is still exciting enough to keep me up especially after an unlucky Barcelona own goal.

In HK we met up with some of my dutch friends and went out for a drink, a dance, a laugh and an empty wallet. HK is expensive as hell for clubbing, thank the heavens from whichever religion you believe in for Club Seven One One. Without it, it's practically impossible to get drunk without spending a small fortune. Well we got drunk anyway and ended up bar hopping. That's when I saw the freaks, chicks in stripperpoles (hot ones and ugly ones), Indian 50cts and puking asians. To the puking asians I would like to say: when you start getting red, stop. Even if its after one sip. You're not built for it.

Barcelona makes 2 goals in rapid succession and this game looks done. Too bad, this game could've been much better if it was still 11 vs 11. I say do-over next year. Thai commentary is getting on my nerves. They scream murder after every single pass from Barcelona and grown men should not behave so giggly.

We spent the night in HK in a hostel that was ghetto asian style. Room was hot and crappy with a huge fan that was about to fall off with every spin that it took. When I went to sleep I just hoped I would wake up with both my kidneys. It was that kind of place. But hey, I survived. No biggie.

The next day we went touring through the city and visited some shops. Yawn, yeah I think that was boring too. It's 6 AM right now and the game is done. 4 more hours til class should be enough for a quick nap and if it isn't enough, there is always the possibility of sleeping in class. I'm good at it. As always.

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