Thursday, January 6, 2011


Had my first signs of a jetlag in the past few nights. Couldn't sleep until 9 AM, which was annoying since I definitely needed that sleep. Anyone with some good tips to help me master this problem, you are welcome to let me know and for this one time I'll try to listen.
Yesterday we had a tour through Macao and we saw some nice places and I got pictures too. At this moment though I'm just too lazy to put them online. Highlight of the day was the Tower of Macao which has some glass floors on the top. Pretty scary but I just pretended like I was tough. Just so happy I didn't pee my pants when I acted like it was nothing. You can also bungee jump from the tower but I'm not sure yet if I wanna do that. It sounds cool and all but it's incredibly high and I really don't know yet.
At night we went to the Venetian which was crazy. Free drinks for ladies and there was a band, people doing backflips and stuff. I hoped he would fall except he didn't obey to my secret silent commands. Tried the Force on him as well, didn't work so the Force is probably weak in Macao.
Tomorrow we've got another big day. Tour part II and Karaoke at night. I can't promise anything but I might sing a song or two, or more, or until I pass out again.

No pictures please

Btw I wasn't scared. I never am.

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