Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You want to become an iceberg??

Had my first classes of this semester this week. Lots of fun but it is so different from back home. For example the chinese students dont say a word during class. Me and my canadian friend Yao are probably the loudest people in the classroom and I can't say we're having a lot of fun. That might also be the reason the chinese are not talking to us. too noisy too loud, it's not one of my better traits.

Already had my first wrong class as well on Tuesday. I thought class was on Tuesdays and I probably had some alcohol in me from the day before (dress-code party from one of the french) (please dont tag me on facebook). Since I was already late I ran like 10 floors because there were probably like a 1000* people waiting at the elevator. Got in class just in time and after 5 minutes it became clear my class wouldnt start until Thursday. Yes I'm that stupid, there I said it.

Some of the classes have teachers that dont speak english that well. If you say iceberg instead of expert and cunt instead of count, dont be mad when I'm laughing my ass off during your lecture. "If you want to become an iceberg you can cunt on a lot of studying."

Some random thoughts:

In restaurants I just point at my food to order what I want. This is usually a good idea except they then start to talk in chinese to me and I just say okay until they walk away. This will not always give you the dish that you want to have and therefore knowledge of the chinese language might be handy in some cases.

Nice to know I have about 15 pageviews each day. I dont know how you manage to keep up with all the BS I'm posting but I'm happy for it! Hopefully we can all have a laugh about this someday when were grey and old. Or high. Or drunk. I dont ever want to be old. And grey.

Still too lazy to upload pictures... I need someone to kick my ass and make me do it. Unfortunately I'm stronger than each and everyone of you. 

*my calculations for saying it was a 1000 people. China has a population of over a billion. the odds that there are a 1000 people near a elevator at any given time I've set at 50%. So it's a fifty-fifty shot. Since I have a huge fucking chip on my shoulder and am always right (building block rule of the universe), I'd say my odds of getting it right this time is a 100%.

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