Monday, April 25, 2011

Its not you, Its me

Another amazing week in the curious adventures of Yeo in Macao/Asia. 
First off we celebrated my birthday, this young pup is now too old to be called a pup. Im more into grandpa territory right now than being in my 'grow up' days. This would actually mean that I have to grow up and I'm pretty sure that I will never be able to do that. We had a great dinner with my friends here and on Wednesday we celebrated by going out. Alas I got pissed off at some random thingies but hey, no worries, I dont run away from being a dick. Nothing like a little bit of controversy.

After the celebrations I went to Singapore to visit one of my best friends who is doing his exchange there. He showed me and Yao around and we hung out with the other Dutch exchange students there. No need to say that we had loads of fun. What I can say about SG though is that it is HOT. Girls are HOT. Weather was HOT. Shit even my fucking room was HOT because we forgot to turn on the AC. We walked out of the plane and my first thought was, how could I be so stupid enough to wear jeans. I know how an ice-cube feels now in a cup of hot tea. Seriously I was melting my balls off.

We walked around in Singapore taking pictures of a merlion, which I thought was stupid. This combo goes in the categorie dumbass animal mixes together with koala-dolphin and a platypus (seriously a bever and a duck...). Then we took pictures of the three building thingie with a boat thingie on top to connect all the thingies. I forgot the name so please remind me again and help an old man who is losing his memory. That building was pretty cool though, I would like to rent a room there once and swim on top of that building. 

The nightlife was great too, got hit on by a guy (people will never let me forget that) and we jumped while injuring people and making room to dance as well. It was like our own little moshpit and we owned it. Get in and die. 
We went to the beach as well and someone had to learn how to swim. Fairly easy I thought but then the ability to drown in this person was a lot higher than the ability to float. Wont say any names *cough Yao *cough but he learned to stay above water and I'm proud of him like a daddy bird watching his young one fall out of its nest. 

All in all good week, if I havent thanked you yet for congratulating me, it will probably never happen. Dont take it personally its not you. Its me, I probably just dont like you. 


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Yeo gained 25exp!

It's been a busy week with me spending more time in the library or computerroom than I wanted. It was sort of necessary due to my obligations to some presentations and group work. It cost me some time and some sleep but eventually I think all of them went reasonably well.

Can't say I didn't have fun though, my friends all have their personal quirky behavior keeping things interesting while were doing work. What strikes me as odd though is that is common here to be up at school until late at night. In the Netherlands I get as far from campus as I can get after class. Here I'm still busy around 3/4 AM and there are many other students still busy when I leave and try to get a few hours of sleep.

Isn't it funny when you tell an untrue rumor or fact about yourself to someone who you distrust and suddenly people start asking you about it? Yeahhhh If you read this my respect for you has now reached the same level as Hitler and Paris Hilton, which I'm pretty sure equals none. I'd still do Paris Hilton though there would have to be certain conditions (She cant talk. Ever.)

Anyway this week we copped some katanumbrella's. We named them and gave them abilities. It has 3 major attributes that will help us in the nearby future.
1: It's an umbrella that helps us against the rain when we choose not to get wet.
2: It's an umbrella that will keep us from the sun when we want to mimic the Chinese and dont want a tan. We do but it's nice to have the option of choosing. Freedom is everything.
3: It keeps bandits away because they think we walk around with swords. If you saw an old grandma or a really really really good-looking guy with a katana on his back, who would you rather mug? Hell yeah I'd go after that grandma too!

Yellow Fever also had this amazing karaoke night, where our fans could participate in singing their favorite songs with us. A lot of things happened. People sang, people laughed, people did not get invited, people cried but most of all people had fun. At least until the alcohol wore off. At that point you're thinking: I'm never drinking again! Best remedy to that is simple. Get another beer and 50ml of Man-The-Fuck-Up

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bébé, viens là

This week is a killer week filled with presentations and deadlines so I have been spending a considerable amount of time in either the library or the computer rooms. I'm pretty sure my time in both these locations have increased by about 400% compared to the whole semester before this. I'm not proud of it but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. As I'm writing this I still have a presentation to prepare and if you know me a little bit you know I'm doing everything except preparing it.

At the moment I'm attending a french class that is being taught by my fellow group member Anthony and it is safe to say I'm the best student in his class. I'm sure I can get an A for this class if I want to except I'm not really enrolled in it. Comedic distraction is more of a better description of my role in class but hopefully I have not been a bad influence on the rest of the students. They're all female, one of the reasons I'm in here.

It's a fun class though, lots of music and moments of laughter provided by the teacher, so it's not a total waste of time. I dont think I'll be attending a lot more classes because I have shitloads of work to do.

*I changed the background and theme of my blog again. I heard some comments about it being difficult to read with the world in the background. Therefor my new background is one of my favorite comic characters in the Marvel Universe: Deadpool. The merc with a mouth is often depicted as a character with humor and he talks to his readers as well (called breaking the fourth wall). I disliked it when they fucked up his character in the terrible Wolverine: Origins movie but Marvel has a chance to redeem themselves when they make a spin-off Deadpool movie. Ryan Reynolds seems like the perfect choice to play him so lets keep our fingers crossed this project will be finished.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Digital Frontier

There used to be a time when Facebook, Twitter or a blog didn't matter to me. Those days are long gone now but I'm still trying to get the hang of it with most of these.

Facebook has been a socially indispensable tool since it is great for networking and keeping up with friends that you can't hang out with often. Especially here on my exchange I've found Facebook a great tool since you meet lots of new people and it keeps you in touch with each other. Also you can check people out quite anonymously so big plus.

Started using twitter some time ago too, but since I've been in Southern China I've almost completely stopped with tweeting. Tweeting when on the move is a lot of fun and being stationary while tweeting from my laptop just doesn't give as much satisfaction.

Blogging to me is a lot of fun. I get to write whatever I want and no one would even care. I get to tell about my adventures and what keeps me busy here and I'm lucky people like it. What keeps me up though is, that there is no red line in my blog posts, just random rants every now and then.

Just for those who haven't yet, visit the blogs of my friends. They're funny too and they post pictures whereas I do not.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Sometimes I forget how music can affect your mood and state of mind. Im quite picky with music that I listen to and often I'm not even objectively biased. I just don't like an artist based on maybe a few pointers or something totally irrelevant. Such as Bruno Mars or Usher. Fuck em. Dont ask me for reasons I just dont like them.
But then once in a while you get something handed to you that makes your day or your weekend or in this case it makes it to my blog. Last year it was Mayer Hawthorne's "A Strange Arrangement" that was on my repeat for most of the time. It surprised me but it was exactly what I needed back then. Now I'm really feeling Frank Ocean's "Nostalgia,Ultra". The whole flow of the album just fits me right now and that's probably why I like it that much. Get it for free online.

Yao said it best. I'm a dick. I'll dislike you for no reason and when I try to make you look stupid, you think it's funny. Weird huh?!

I've tried for a long time to ignore my roommate's snoring cause he might read it sometime, but I guess it's too late now. Motherfucker snores like Darth Vader had an illegitimate love child with Don Corleone.

I'll keep ranting about others because I'm in that mood at the moment. Don't worry. It's never about you unless I mention you by name.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


You don't know me very well and that is fine. Most of you have only met me a few months before or not even that long ago. It's not a problem since my blog is only what it is, namely a blog. Whatever you might think about me is all an illusion. A flee circus, a fata morgana or whatever you'd call it (I wonder what it would be in Chinese?). The best thing about facebook and blogs is that you only show people a side you want them to see and usually that is your best side.

In my case this is true due to the fact that there are no bad sides to me. But what about others? Socializing online is more rule than exception nowadays and we are all guilty of it. Profile pics in which you look extremely good or status updates that make you seem funny; yep those are illusions. Push-up bra's, make-up? Also illusions.

In an era where illusions are widely accepted, one might wonder when the illusion stops and where reality begins. Usually it begins in the morning. She wakes up with no make-up on and if you haven't left by then, this might be the perfect time before she starts to talk. But seriously, how does one go online and trust people, when it is so easy to lie or to deceit?

As I write this it becomes obvious to me that things are never what they seem. Sometimes jokes just run out of hand and people will have a problem with it. The best option is never regret what you do or did and just go with it. People don't like it? Fuck them. You dont need them. At least that's what I think.

One thing that has blown up recently has been my boy-band/cause/world saviors group called Yellow Fever. We meet up with fans, do interviews and basically do outrageous stuff that we think is funny. We're coming up with some events in the near future so stay awake and keep following us.

What do we really know about the people around us? Or our "friends" on facebook? Don't get me wrong, there are probably exceptions to the rule but just know that you better pick wisely with who you hang out with. There are wolves about.

Random Note:
Me and Yao were discussing that we have arguments about ridiculous things. And usually our argumentation is borderline silly, but funny to both of us. An ongoing argument of us is about an apple that Yao thought was a pear. It was obviously an apple. But the debate is still ongoing and it shows our creativity and stubbornness. You might be eating chicken or chocolate and we can come up with arguments that make you want to throw up that last piece you ate.
(requirements: creativity and absolute believe in your argument. If I believe it, its not a lie. My Skill Level: Johnny Cochran).

Monday, April 4, 2011

I love fishies!!!

We used to have an aquarium when I was younger and I thought it was better than tv. Just sit there for hours and watch what the fishies were doing. I had my favorite one as well, which was a strange little fish that would hide in the sand whenever I got too close. Sort of how girls react nowadays. At least with the fish I knew it wasn't personal. He didn't like anyone who got to close. This one time the seahorse tried to scare him and he succeeded. My favorite dove into the sand and we have never seen him since.

This past weekend my friends took me to Ocean Park in Hong Kong. My buddies from Yellow Fever were all present and we had an amazing time during the whole weekend. Our band is growing exponentially at the moment and this weekend had a lot to do with it. Please stay tuned at our page cause more exciting and funny things are about to happen.
Back on topic. Ocean Park was incredible, most awesome aquarium I have seen thus far. As you can imagine I was back to being a five year old again and I walked with a smile on my face all day. There were some rides we got to go in and a lot of animals we got to see. The park was so awesome that even the goldfish were of a whole new level. A lot of different kinds too, so yeah to say I was happy that day was an understatement. Many thanks to who made this possible!

While we were in the park we did the necessary promotion of our band Yellow Fever too. People holding up our signs and a clown that wanted to marry NyNy. It's good fun with the crew to do that stuff. All our members have their own quirky personality and it makes it always interesting. Video's will be coming soon onto our Yellow Fever facebook page so follow it keep up.

Sunday was a great chill day and the weather just keeps being good to us. I'm in a happy place. As Alex would say it, I have achieved Individuation