Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Run Yeo Run!

It's late and people are sleeping. Instead of sleeping I'm awake wondering why I'm not sleeping. My reasoning is inconclusive so I've stopped bothering trying to figure out. The thing is I dont like to sleep early unless I really have to, but even then I prefer to stay up as long as possible. This usually gets me into trouble in the mornings when I have stuff to do such as class. Good thing though is that I can sleep in class. Bad thing about is that I miss stuff I should pay attention to.
Luckily my classmates dont have the same humor as me. If I saw someone sleeping next to me I'd try to write something on their face. You might think it's childish while I find it hilarious, thing is that if it makes me happy, it is not my problem but yours.

This weekend I didn't sleep much either. People who suffer from amputated limbs sometimes have pain in their limb that they already lost. Ghostpain they call it. I on the other hand had a whole different problem. In my dreams I was running all the time, either chasing someone or being chased. The dreams ended with me spraining my ankle in my dream and waking up with pain in my ankle. Not the best way to wake up. I call it Nightmare-Pain.

Saturday we had a visit to the panda's which was inspirational. Those little bears just kept sleeping while all those people were around. I think they only sleep and eat which is kinda my life dream. Impressive how they can keep it up! Other than that it wasn't the adventure I thought it would be. I can't picture these furry creatures chasing anyone anymore. Another one of China's myths bites the dust.

The bbq on the beach was great. For some reason people kept making me food and I didn't have to do anything really. This should happen more often and the bbq gets a big like from me.

This monday we had our second Yellow Fever contest. The first one was a race between Yao and NyNy down the escalators. It ended up with Yao flying aka falling through the air when he jumped a couple of flights just to beat NyNy. He ended up flat on his face and losing. One of the funniest things I've seen so far though. But our second contest we did in this place where they have 2 for 1 burger nights. Concept is simple, you get burger and fries and then you get another burger and fries. The winner was the one who finished a beer, 2 burgers and all the fries. These are not your average burgers though. These were massive. I have serious doubts if the meat was made from cows and not Brontosaurus meat. Anyway, it was a tight contest with NyNy taking the lead by eating all the fries and burgers but left his beer untouched. Yao and me were finishing the burgers and beer but couldn't finish all the fries so we called it a draw. No losers in our midst, everyone is a winner.
If you have any ideas for our next contest, do let us know. It has to be weird, crazy or fun though else we're not doing it.

I should be sleeping now, class tomorrow morning. Hopefully no Nightmare-pain tonight or else you'll be seeing a grumpy me in class.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dinosaur eggs

Jurassic Park is my favorite movie of all-time. Not just because it had a boy named Timmy in it, not because it was such an amazing story but back then it was the very first movie with dinosaurs that actually looked good. Before that movie dinosaurs looked like human puppets which they were. Special effects used to be terrible, you just had to imagine it was scary. Seriously R2D2 had a midget playing him so it could move. But yeah, dinosaurs killing people, who doesn't like a movie like that. My new friend told me that and I believe she is right. I could watch that all day everyday.

Jurassic Park has this scene where they're in this ride that shows them how they brought dinosaurs back to life. Remember Mr. DNA? Well it was during that ride that they suddenly jump out to watch some dinosaur eggs. That scene is what made me think of Jurassic Park this week.

Yesterday everything started off swell after a hangover and missing class, we had lunch in this Portuguese place near the beach. Good food, sangria and a beach are the best weapons against the headaches of drinking too much. It's like throwing a nuke on a mountain of ants. But it works so that is all I cared about. Anyway it should've been obvious but something bad was going to happen. I dont mind bad things happening except it happened to me. We went to play some basketball 1on1 and I was up against Yao. Dont ask me how but I was lucky with some shots and he was terrible on some of his. Then it happened, we jumped and my ankle couldn't support all my awesomeness and gave way in a manner that should not happen to ankles.

I screamed (manly) and fell on the floor but didn't cry because I can't. I think I was on the ground for a good 15 minutes and then I had to cripwalk back to the taxistand. It might've been only 500 meters but it took me a good 30 minutes to get back. Bathroom break included. That bathroom break was unsuccessful due to this female worker who kept screaming to me in Chinese. I went into this stall and she kept screaming and it made me nervous to the point I couldn't take a piss. I ran (see: jumped on one leg) and got to the taxi. All the while trying to not pee in my pants.

When I got home I looked at my ankle which had grown to humongous proportions and it was round shaped. It instantly reminded me of that dinosaur egg Dr Grant was holding in his hand when that little raptor gets out. Well that is the story of my obsession with dinosaur eggs this week. I need to download that movie and relive my childhood again. Tomorrow I'm visiting the Macao panda's and I hope they dont chase me. Cant really run at the moment...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pretty random is still random

It's supposed to be rude to talk with a chinese person about the weather. It indicates you dont think they're interesting enough. I wish I would've known this earlier this semester.

Yeah, there isn't going to be a singular story-line in this post since no major events have happened since last week. So I'm just posting some random thoughts that popped up in my mind.

Praying for Japan... I know the situation is tough and all but all those peeps saying pray for Japan need to get of their lazy butt and stop being hypocritical. Shit they never prayed for anything before so why start now... Donate, organize a charity event or just fucking do something if you want to help but stop the fucking praying cause you aint helping no one with that.
World leaders are sending troops and help. Even China is sending emergency expeditions. The pope said he'll mention Japan in his prayers. Seems the pope has a pretty good deal.
I dont mean anything bad about the whole Japan thing because its pretty serious. I admire the effort some people take to help them out but the insincerity of saying pray for them is just bugging me out.

I wonder if a nuclear fall-out will cause people to have powers. In comics radioactive spiders gave Spider-man his powers and other examples should be available (the Hulk). So in case something happens what animal do you want to be bitten by? The only thing we have in Macao are panda's and I dont want to be bitten by a radioactive panda. The only power you'd end up with would be loss of sexual appetite. No one should have that power.

Too bad the whole dragon thing is a myth. Now that would be an animal I would like to gain power from. Infinite wisdom, flying and fire-breath!? Imagine that! Find something unpleasant in your bed? Just breath fire on that shit and make your problem go away.

Went to the beach this weekend and this might reoccur more often. Sun was shining and the bbq was excellent. Yup my dutch readers, bbq on the beach in March. How you like me now?

I'm getting better at basketball. I actually made some baskets when we played some chinese people. They were a lot smaller than me so it felt like playing against kids but I dont care. Kids should get their asses kicked too. Mercy does not exist in my vocabulary.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Best villain 3v4r

Minor update on the HK trip. During our shopping run I met the most coolest villain ever in geek culture. I was walking through this barren plain (shopping mall) when I heard it. His anthem, his tune. A melody so memorable it has true jedi knights waking up at night and spooning their pillows. The Imperial March.

My eyes went wide, mind is spinning what the fuck is happening... Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker just walked past me. He had his set of droids with him and I'm glad I didnt bring my lightsabre with me. He could've figured out the amount of midi-chlorians I have and force choke me to death. It didnt happen. I'm just glad I made it and he didnt get me when I was in my ghetto room...

All in all best thing that happened to me so far. When I was a kid all I wanted to be when I would grow up was either Darth Vader or a T-rex. A T-rex sounds pretty dumb right now actually. There is no way I can grow a tail. But growing up to be Darth Vader is still a possibility. He was a dick. I'm a dick. Only thing I need is a mask

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Messed up bio-rhythm

It's past 4 AM and Messi just flicked the ball over Almunia, who was helplessly flailing at empty air. Halfway around the world this move has men letting out orgasm-like sounds at the ultimate control and calmness of the best football player in the world right now.

They say the freaks come out at night. I say the freaks are fracking dumb. Really really dumb #antoinedodgsonvoice. They should come out during the day cause the weather is a lot better. But the night has it's good sides and this weekend in HK it was no different.

Van Persie gets his second yellow card for an overrated technical foul. Dont want to get in a debate but he didnt deserve this one. Game is still exciting enough to keep me up especially after an unlucky Barcelona own goal.

In HK we met up with some of my dutch friends and went out for a drink, a dance, a laugh and an empty wallet. HK is expensive as hell for clubbing, thank the heavens from whichever religion you believe in for Club Seven One One. Without it, it's practically impossible to get drunk without spending a small fortune. Well we got drunk anyway and ended up bar hopping. That's when I saw the freaks, chicks in stripperpoles (hot ones and ugly ones), Indian 50cts and puking asians. To the puking asians I would like to say: when you start getting red, stop. Even if its after one sip. You're not built for it.

Barcelona makes 2 goals in rapid succession and this game looks done. Too bad, this game could've been much better if it was still 11 vs 11. I say do-over next year. Thai commentary is getting on my nerves. They scream murder after every single pass from Barcelona and grown men should not behave so giggly.

We spent the night in HK in a hostel that was ghetto asian style. Room was hot and crappy with a huge fan that was about to fall off with every spin that it took. When I went to sleep I just hoped I would wake up with both my kidneys. It was that kind of place. But hey, I survived. No biggie.

The next day we went touring through the city and visited some shops. Yawn, yeah I think that was boring too. It's 6 AM right now and the game is done. 4 more hours til class should be enough for a quick nap and if it isn't enough, there is always the possibility of sleeping in class. I'm good at it. As always.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Specialized in wasting time

I've got 2,5 hours left until my midterm. Those hours will be spent wisely on blogging, browsing and eating, I will make up stuff just so I dont really have to open my books. Ever notice how your room is always so much cleaner when you actually have to study? Yes, we all prefer to clean up our shit instead of studying. Instead of cleaning up today I'll ramble about things that pop up in my head on my blog.

I got this weird habit of learning useless skills. Whenever I see something completely useless that will only waste my time, I want to learn it. Better yet, I need to master it. 
Some off these time-consuming and ultimately unimpressive activities include fixing rubik cubes, magic the gathering and since I've been in China I learned Chinese chess. It's similar to normal chess except you have cannons and elephants. Again, no dragons. The game is good fun even though it lacks certain elements that would've made it better like a chopper gunner or ninja assassin or a free lap-dance. 

Ok nice, I just waisted another 30 minutes. 2 hours left and still haven't bought the book. 

This blogging thing is working out better than I thought. Without any previous writing experience I manage to captivate 15 people a day with utter nonsense. That has always been one of my major goals in life, 150 achievement points earned.

I'm starting to miss my friends from Holland. The buffoonery of hanging out with them has been enjoyable for the past 18 yrs and I just want to say I love you guys, no homo.
But then I hear about all the rain and snow you had to endure for the past weeks while I'm sitting here in my shorts and t-shirts, enjoying the sun and smoking cheap cigarettes. Feeling pretty blessed right now. 

My little brother's birthday is coming up this week. If for some unknown reason you've liked my posts, I would certainly recommend you following his twitter @datdoggiedanny . He most certainly is the funny one in the family and that is quite an accomplishment, since I'm from the same family.

I think I've wasted enough time for now. Time for me to get some food. Next time I'll tell you a joke about how my friend made her roommates cry. And I'm going to HK this weekend so I might have some stories to tell. Considering that last time was pretty fun, I keep wondering what karma has in store for me this weekend.