Thursday, February 24, 2011

And we will never speak of it again...

Those who have me on facebook probably read that I had a bet going on with one of my Canadian friends. Yesterday was the culmination of this high publicized event but let me inform you why this bet came to fruition.

Alex is one of my Canadian friends and he is a nerd. He goes to the library or computer room every single day and studies. What he studies no one knows but he is there until 3 am sometimes and he never hangs out anymore. Alex has basketball experience (he was on his basketball team!) but says he hasn't been playing for years (not true).
I can never be found in or near a library. Drag me in there and I have no idea how it works. What do you do in a library that you cant do anywhere else like home? I know you cant talk loud in a library so why would anyone want to go there? I have no basketball playing experience whatsoever (I watch a lot and played a lot of nba2k so I considered myself an expert. In reality it is a lot more different.)

For some dumb reason I figured I could beat Alex, dont ask me why but obviously this wasn't true. It was a tight game, but in the end Alex's luck found its way to the basket. I am not ashamed to say Alex beat me fair and square except I'm still better.

After basketball I had jumped enough and proceeded to check out the football cage next to our spot. To say that I was impressed was a lie, because the level of play was not very high. I joined them a few games later and killed all of them. They might still be dizzy from all my high speed moves, not unexpected. I bet I was in some of their nightmares last night wearing a cape. Yes, a cape.

The idea is to go work out more often in these places cause its free and we had a lot of fun. I'll have to learn playing basketball and maybe at the end of the semester me and Alex can have a rematch. As they would say in very cheesy tv-series: To be continued... (play sinister music)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Me vs infection. Timmy 1 - Infection 0

Last week I had pain in my jaw, which I figured would just be over in a few days but on Wednesday last week it evolved. Changed. It reached a level and became an absolute monster in my mouth. My jaw froze up and I couldn't move it without squinting my eyes because of the pain. Eating was particularly painful but ultimately necessary, painful as it was it tasted delicious. I literally was on the verge of crying after my food. Naturally I didn't cry, because I can't. 

The next step in my fight against the pain was painkillers. I used them. Swallowed a bunch of Finnish paracetamol and it didn't work. Dont know if it was because of the pills being from Finland or that I'm immune against painkillers, but my jaw felt like a little alien was inhabiting it and would burst out at any second. Painkillers was obviously not an oeuf. 

Hospital was the next option but since I have played a lot of theme hospital in my younger years I was very weary of going to one. I did needed to get checked out though so we stopped a cab and he didnt understand us. No one knows how these taxi drivers make a living but they dont understand shit! You talk in English and say "Hospital" or "Doctor" or "Happy Ending" and they will not understand. If you say either "Casino" or "Massage" they will have you in one of those buildings (sometimes same building) before you can count to one. Now on the other hand if you speak in Chinese to them, they will not know the adress. No matter if it is the biggest fracking street in Macao or Taipa, they will not know it. I just wonder if they took the job as a way to annoy people, which would be awesome cause you get payed and can screw people over at the same time! Show me another job where you can do that and I'll buy you dinner. 

Anyway the hospital had a registration window and there was a unhappy girl there. She made me unhappy too when I had to answer all her questions even when I said that talking hurt. She proceeded by asking more questions. I guess that is routine for a receptionist. If my leg was broken she would've asked me to run 5 miles and then come back. The doctor checked out my jaw after the receptionist was done torturing me. He pressed my jaw so hard I thought I gave birth. Still no tears. The tears did well up when I figured there were no hot nurses. That was my cue and I needed to leave that place. Fortunately anti-biotics were cheap and they gave me a shitload of painkillers. I slept well that night. 

The scorecard in the title is wrong actually. It doesn't reflect my struggles but it accurately displays the winner though which is me. Moral of the story is that if an infection shouldn't pick a fight with me, you shouldn't either. I always win.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chinese New Year: Warzone Macao

First of all, Chinese New Year (CNY) is dangerous. No joke. If you do not have the necessary skills such as dodging, running, screaming (manly) and taking shots (photo) you should not be near China during this period of the year. This is a man's world, so take your baby face and self delusion in football to the nearest kindergarten. 

I've seen my share of fireworks in Amsterdam. When you're younger you do stupid things with fireworks you know you shouldn't do but the Chinese just take it to a whole new level here. They have these designated areas where they sell and set off fireworks. Which in theory controls it a bit but they must have underestimated the sheer amount of people that want to fire some rockets. 

Lets start with the obvious things. Try to store and sell fireworks 50 meters from the place where everyone sets their fireworks on fire. Antoine Dodgson would say: You are really dumb, fo real.
Another thing is the mere mass of people in such a small (explosive) area will surely present dangerous situations. People carrying boxes full of fireworks. Millions of rockets set of at the same time and they are not the rockets your neighbor in Holland sets off with a little bang (no exclamation intended) (actually, try to whisper 'bang'). Noooo sir. These were huge fracking rockets! Their explosions damage your hearing and fill your hair with ash. And they had different colors too!! I <3 blue -_-!! Back to the example. Yes once in a while the rockets would set of other boxes or not go high in the air enough causing dangerous situations. Rockets were flying past my head left and right and were I a weaker man I would've been hit at least once. I yelled: Yeo, evade! And didn't get hit once.

Apart from the exciting feel of terror that surrounded you in that place of mutilation and unintentional deafness, the fireworks were awesome to look at. Seriously I saw fireworks in star-shape, round-shaped with a extra circle wrapped around it and different colors! It was impressive to see so much different kinds of firework. I lit up some rockets too and after that played with children's fireworks. They seemed pretty harmless to me and I never underestimate my keen ability to screw things up. 

The holiday is over now and were back to class. I actually have to do stuff for school now and it is not making me happy...

Used my stupidity credit yesterday on trying to pee and brush my teeth at the same time. I recommend to anyone who is curious not to do it.

I'm still here

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Karma hates it when you have fun

You doing good when you got haters - Cant fracking remember who the frack said this

Karma is a hater of mine and she's such a nasty -bleep-. 

Hong Kong was terrific this weekend. It's like a mistress. You cant have a proper relationship with her because but every once in a while you can have a lot of fun with her. Same for Hong Kong, its probably not for me to live there but a weekend each month is perfect.

I met up with some friends from Holland in HK and they took us to an all you can drink place for 250 hkd. Loved the place. Definitely should try and find it again, because LKF is pretty expensive. Unless you have a lifetime membership card at Club seven-one-one.

Karma hated I had a good time in HK. I was sick for week after that weekend and I'm still not 100%.

This post has been in my posting section for 3 weeks now. I figured it might grow into something better if I would give it some time. However blogging doesn't work that way.

I've got more stories to tell, they'll show up in the next few days!!!

If you want to see pictures on my blog you should keep waiting!